GrabUOneOutfitters Inc.
- Brad Vincent brad.

- Brent Shorter

- Jimmie Nichols Jr.

- Joey Mayes

- Shane Gibson

- Joey Rigby

After a few years went by and the trip moved to Lake Washington. Stories of snake catching were heard and others began to go on the trip to watch. Several others went and tried their luck catching snakes. Some that went had a better time than others and continued to go back each year. Joey Mayes arrived on the Snake Hunt scene and then Joey Rigby, both exceeding in skill and nerve. A few years later, Shane Gibson heard about the new hobby, went and took his boat. Shane’s boat quickly became known as the Snake Boat and not to be present on it if you were faint of heart. During that time the small group of four started calling themselves the “Grabuone Outfitters” and worked out a catch style through: “trial and error” and spilt blood due to numerous snake bites.
- On a later trip Joey Mayes had an extra release of Testosterone and got out of the boat to wade around and grab snakes off of logs. This had never been done before and the others had their doubts……. at the start. By the end of the trip they were all in the water.
We go forward in time two years and the men have already abandoned the practice of catching primarily from the boat, now using it to cross the lake or move quickly from spot to spot, spending the majority of the time in the water. Snakes are being caught and measured and Shane is now on his third year of in house Snake Hunt DVD making for the group. Enter Brad Vincent. It became immediately obvious that Brad was going to be different from some of the others that came and caught a few or came and decided, due to better sense, not to catch any. After a little talking to and a few slow, nervous, and missed snakes, he became a natural talent.
- Shortly after the group produced and released Snake Hunt Mississippi Style Volume I, they were introduced to Brent Shorter who owned and operated Shorter Productions in Jackson, Ms. The group hired Brent to shoot their Volume II project and Brent was bitten by the snake bug. After Brent’s first trip on the water, the team had it’s sixth member. Brent currently videos and produces the groups dvd’s. At times, J.H. “Scooter” Whatley, of MS Outdoors assist Brent with his videographer skills also.
- Now awhile later, after a computer mishap, the men find themselves being asked for guided tours, DVDs, huggers, hats, shirts, shorts, and swimwear.
From a fun trip that started with friends fishing on a lake and Uncle Rayford telling Jimmie to catch’em! A business has begun with the men doing what they would be doing anyway. The men were friends before the trip started and now continue in the same manner.
We at Grabuone Outfitters hope you enjoy our movies, clothing, and novelty items. There will be more to come. Remember to take your children, show and teach them the world outside. The true southern right of passage: respecting your elders, saying sir and mam, giving your seat to a lady, treating children with honor, cooking for the sick, church on Sunday, and respecting your family name. Parents and grandparents teach your children about the outdoors. They will remember it always….. even if snake hunting is not for you, you can watch us!
Do not try this at home!
We do not recommend you do this on your own!
There are snakes that can hurt you!
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